During the Covid 19 lock down period I’ve seen a great deal of talk about marketing being the most important tactic for businesses to focus on and manage their way through this financial crisis. Well here’s my take on the situation having managed operations, marketing, commercial and HR teams previously. For the record these comments relate specifically to tourism, hospitality and leisure businesses.
Yes, marketing Is a vital aspect of any business but now is not the time to get on to the rooftops and shout as loud as you can to get business to your door. Your business can’t handle the volume so focus your efforts on telling the world how safe your business is and support your operations and HR teams where you can.
Your people are vital at this stage and the HR function has had a torrid time with the disruptions, furloughs and redundancies. Those remaining in employment will inevitably be doing more than their normal job and how you treat your team now and over the next few months may determine if your business survives or dies. Your team remain your biggest asset so treat them well, treat them with respect and above all keep them safe.
Operational planning and safe systems of operation for team members and guests have always been a mainstay of a successful business, to some they have however been seen as dull and not important to profitability when in reality they are the cornerstone to ensuring your business is successful. These elements now have to be even more vital for all to demonstrate and communicate.
So my take on the situation is that marketeers need to support their HR teams in ensuring robust internal communications are flowing and support your business by promoting all of the safe systems of operation that have been put in place. Reserve cash for the time when you can become creative again and push for volume, but now is not the time.