As I have discussed previously, operational integration continues to be an after thought when developing projects when it should be 'up front and centre' in your considerations. Completion your build is simply just that (you have a building and maybe fixtures and fittings), but what about ensuring that everything is in place to take the project on to being a commercial success ensuring that both income and cost management are being considered and developed during the build programme. Operational systems, Human Resources, Health & Safety development and management, legal frameworks such as Service Level Agreements and operating contracts, insurances, retail development, catering development, technology implementation and integration, marketing, PR, design input, finance/business planning (the list goes on and on and on in to the hundreds of tasks). With copious experience in new project development, opening and operation I have amassed a comprehensive programme of activities that need to be undertaken to take projects in to operational success. Couple this with my colleagues experience at Spider Entertainment in design, project management, marketing, technology and business execution why wouldn't you employ the services of an experienced operator to support your business. Contact me today or to see how I

can help